Italy. As of January 2025 businesses are required to purchase climate insurance to protect their assets from natural disasters such as “i sismi, le alluvioni, le frane, le inondazioni, le esondazioni”
Around 25 years earlier than expected by the IPCC, the global warming limit of 1.5°C is being broken this year 2024 according to Europe's Copernicus.
1st edition of the Article 6 Implementation Status Report. See how many projects are in the pipeline with international registries and how many parties informed their Designated National Authorities.
Aug 22 min readAbout Climate Change Pressure on Investors.Today is Friday, 02 August 2024. “Global Climate Investing Survey 2024: Realism on the transition journey”. This is the title of a study...
Oct 12, 20232 min readOctober 20, 2023 and two other pillars of the Carbon Market: Taxonomy and Accounting Rules.Today is Thursday, October 12, 2023. While bill 412 that regulates the Brazilian Emissions Reduction Market is being processed in...
Aug 16, 20232 min readFinancial institutions and sustainability. McKinsey looks at Latin America.Latin America has abundant and essential natural resources for the global energy transition. But what about its financial market? A...
Jun 26, 20232 min readThe Paris climate finance summit last June 22-23. Something about carbon? Yes.Here some new info that you probably did not read yet, after two days of talks in Paris overhauling the global financial system to tackle...
Apr 30, 20231 min readAligned with IPSF, Singapore, China Deepen Collaboration on Green FinanceTo strengthen collaboration in green and transition finance, last week the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and the People’s Bank of...
Jan 30, 20232 min readEuropean Central Bank launches indicators to monitor climate risk for banks and investorsThe European Central Bank (ECB) published last week a series of new statistical indicators aimed at helping to analyze climate-related...