Italy. As of January 2025 businesses are required to purchase climate insurance to protect their assets from natural disasters such as “i sismi, le alluvioni, le frane, le inondazioni, le esondazioni”
Around 25 years earlier than expected by the IPCC, the global warming limit of 1.5°C is being broken this year 2024 according to Europe's Copernicus.
1st edition of the Article 6 Implementation Status Report. See how many projects are in the pipeline with international registries and how many parties informed their Designated National Authorities.
Oct 15, 20232 min readCarbon: The Unauthorised Biography.Today is Sunday, October 15, 2023. One of these weekends, very late at night, we watched the documentary "Carbon: The Unauthorised...
Apr 22, 20232 min readEarth Day. News from The Netherlands: one bad (earlier Overshoot Day), one good (drop in emissions)Netherlands. One bad and one good news. Today Earth Day. (The bad) Last 12 April 2023 was the Dutch Overshoot Day, the day when the Dutch...
Jul 21, 20221 min readWhat is the environmental impact of each building material?With the idea of highlighting the environmental impact of the most common building materials, considering the phases of raw material...
Jul 6, 20221 min readGmail and docs in the Cloud: Google will report your carbon footprintGoogle's cloud computing division is preparing to reveal the carbon footprint of its Workspace apps, including Gmail and Docs. A set of...