Italy. As of January 2025 businesses are required to purchase climate insurance to protect their assets from natural disasters such as “i sismi, le alluvioni, le frane, le inondazioni, le esondazioni”
Around 25 years earlier than expected by the IPCC, the global warming limit of 1.5°C is being broken this year 2024 according to Europe's Copernicus.
1st edition of the Article 6 Implementation Status Report. See how many projects are in the pipeline with international registries and how many parties informed their Designated National Authorities.
Jun 172 min readLeading Figures in the Global Financial Sector Support High-Integrity Voluntary Carbon Markets.Today is Monday, 17 June 2024. A few days ago, the Secretary of Treasury together with other United States Government officials, released...
May 292 min readUnited States takes a huge step towards high integrity voluntary carbon markets.Today is Wednesday, 29 May 2024. Here is what Janet Yellen, United States Secretary of the Treasury, announced yesterday on purpose of...