Invitation to your contacts who can attend an event in the Netherlands, in Rotterdam. From the hydrogen, offshore wind, port development and logistics sectors.
On the 3rd of November, Rotterdam Partners will organize an informative session that reviews the plans for the coming years of the Dutch government and the prominent maritime players in Rotterdam. As far as Brazil is concerned, the call for the event is great ! Check it out:
“Brazil has the largest economy in Latin America. The port and shipping sectors are essential for international trade. Given the growing global demand for raw materials, ports and infrastructure are in urgent need of modernization. The Brazilian government wants to invest more in the maritime and offshore wind sectors. Brazil has sufficient renewable energy sources to produce hydrogen. This offers many opportunities for Dutch entrepreneurs.”
Remembering that we have already posted here several articles related to these topics that aroused high reader engagement:
It is also worth looking at what the Netherlands has done in terms of CCS, Carbon Capture & Storage:
State of the art: CCS Technologies 2022 (June. Dutch cases on pages 66 and 68 of the report)
Be sure to (re)read!
Click on the image below for more details on the event “The Brazilian Maritime, Offshore Wind and Hydrogen Sector Informative Session”, or contact Eva Verschoor, e-mail