Petrobras And Kureha Team Up On Offshore CCS. And State of the Art Technologies 2023.
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Petrobras And Kureha Team Up On Offshore CCS. And State of the Art Technologies 2023.

Today is Monday, September 04, 2023.

According to Asia Nikkei, Brazilian Petrobras will partner with Japanese chemicals company Kureha to develop a new way to use captured carbon dioxide from offshore oil fields, instead of burning or storing it.

In a joint effort with the Kitami Institute of Technology, Kureha will start developing a new catalyst, that will use carbon from the methane and turn it into a powder. The powder can be used to produce carbon nanotubes, a material used in lithium-ion batteries, electronic devices and auto parts.

Natural gas, a common byproduct at offshore oil rigs, is usually burned off on site on an average rate of 200 kg of methane per hour. In other words, a waste in the form of a gas much more potent than CO2 in its planet-warming capabilities.

The technology of this new catalyst that breaks down the methane in hydrogen and carbon will be tested at a Petrobras oil rig off the coast of Brazil, as well as at other locations.

And in terms of already commercially available CCS technologies, last August 28 the Global CCS Institute has published an update of its annual technology compendium "State of the Art: CCS Technologies 2023". As you will see, the 121 pages report presents in details new innovative technologies tied to each part of the CCS value chain, and a snapshot of how and where these technologies are being applied.

Click que the image below to download the report.


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“I am among those who think that science has great beauty”

Madame Marie Curie (1867 - 1934) Chemist & physicist. French, born Polish.

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