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Along the Clean Hydrogen Pathway Towards a Near Future.

Today is Friday, 19 July 2024.

After the series of regional updates - Namibia, Germany, Canada and Europe - giving insights about real actions happening in the booming hydrogen industry, today we will wrap it all up and close the week with a golden key. Or better, with a hydrogen key to the next future.

Other regions are also highlighting hydrogen.

While the current mobility trend is clearly with electric vehicles, United States and Japan indicated hydrogen in their national blueprints for transportation decarbonization.

Worth adding that United States established a cooperation with Australia on clean hydrogen, besides critical minerals.

This new economy of hydrogen is also perceived through some “exotic” headlines, like the 7 indicated below. “Exotic” until they are at your front door.

(2) GM and Honda beginning commercial production of hydrogen fuel cell toward replacing diesel in United States. (Press release indicates that the new fuel cell systems will be two-thirds less expensive when compared to the cost of Honda’s fuel cell system from 2019, i.e. less than 5 years ago).

(3) Advanced joint studies with large automakers to produce hydrogen from ethanol in Brazil.

(5) Patents, patents and more patents related to hydrogen fuel cells in transportation. An exclusive 102 pages Patent Landscape Report, by WIPO, World Intellectual Property Organization.

(6) More and more geologic occurrences of natural hydrogen being discovered around the globe.

(7) The “Pioneer 25” hydrogen race car revealed in London a few days ago, to start racing in 2025.

There is a lot happening around hydrogen. Not only in terms of regulations and policies, but in practice. New competitive advantages being established.

Before we finish, let’s suggest a place for you to visit, maybe think about all that, get out of the bubble: Punta Arenas, “el puerto del fin del mundo”, South of Chile, Global South.

Why? Besides being distant, hidden to certain extent, for a highly innovative hydrogen fuel demonstration plant that exists over there, named “Haru Oni”, owned by HIF and with Porsche, Enel, ExxonMobil, Enap, and others as co-founders. The plant produces e-fuel, using wind power and has an electrolyser for green hydrogen, capture CO2 and power the Fischer-Tropsch process. The Fischer-Tropsch synthesis is a catalytic process for converting syngas (CO and H2) into a petroleum-like product.

If you did not like the Punta Arenas suggestion, here is an alternative: Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany, in May 2025.

Why (once again)? To attend the event “100 Years Fischer-Tropsch Process. A Central Pillar of Future Energy Systems”. Organized by DECHEMA, same scientific organization mentioned in our Monday’s post related to Namibia (link above). According to the announcement, “Today, the prospect is to generate syngas from biomass or from CO2 and water with electricity from carbon-free technologies, opening “Power-to-X” pathways to fuels for mobility in hard to electrify sectors and to feedstocks for the chemical industry.”

Details about the event, here.

Tomorrow we will share a post on our LinkedIn page. Stay tuned.

HIF Haru Oni Demonstration Plant. Portal HIF Global.
HIF Haru Oni Demonstration Plant. Portal HIF Global.


“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.”

“I am among those who think that science has great beauty”

Madame Marie Curie (1867 - 1934) Chemist & physicist. French, born Polish.

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