Today is Friday, 31 May 2024.
The IFRS Foundation was established to develop globally accepted accounting and sustainability disclosure standards.
These standards are developed by two boards, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB).
As you know, ISSB released two new standards in June 2023, IFRS S1 General Sustainability-related Disclosures and IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures (IFRS S2).
What happens next?
As they are global standards, each country willing to adopt them should better cautiously analyse it against local specificities.
This is usually achieved through public consultations.
Given the importance of the topic, IFRS put together a portal indicating ongoing and completed jurisdictional consultations at national and supra-national level on sustainability and climate-related disclosures.
Here is a list of currently open sustainability disclosure consultations, followed by the closing date:
Canada, Canadian Sustainability Standards Board (CSSB), until 10 June 2024
Brazil, Brazilian Sustainability Standards Committee (CBPS), until 13 June 2024
China, Ministry of Finance, until 24 June 2024
Brazil, Superintendence of Accounting and Auditing Standards (SNC) of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), until 11 July 2024
Japan, Sustainability Standards Board of Japan (SSBJ), until 31 July 2024
Korea, Korea Sustainability Standards Board (KSSB), until 31 August 2024
Recently closed jurisdictional consultations include Australia, European Union, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, United Kingdom and Türkiye.
All this information is “provided on a best-endeavours basis and should not be considered as a complete list”.
Click to have more details about these countries with open or already closed public consultations. And how to liaise with IFRS regulatory affairs team, should your country be doing something about IFRS S1 and S2 but not yet listed and would like to.
Important to have in mind that ISSB is “not directly involved in these consultations, and all questions related to them should be addressed to the relevant organisation” in each jurisdiction.