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PREVI Code of Best Practices ESGI

Previ, the pension plan for Banco do Brasil employees and its investment portfolio of more than R$251 billion in assets (2021), is among the largest pension funds in Latin America.

On the 7th and 8th of December, therefore until yesterday, the 22nd Previ Corporate Governance Meeting was held and the 3rd edition of the "PREVI Code of Best Practices ASGI" was launched, with an emphasis on climate change and recommendations for the various investee companies (click here for the complete schedule).

Interestingly, Previ adopts a four-letter acronym: ASGI. In addition to the good practices of Environmental, Social and Governance responsibilities, the letter “I” for Integrity was added.

The document is divided into 5 pillars:

  • Environmental, related to biomes and natural systems: vegetation, animals and natural resources, such as soil, water and atmosphere. 4 priority themes: energy, natural resources, biodiversity and waste management.

  • Climate Change, greenhouse gas emissions and risks. But also transition opportunities: innovation, new technologies, development, jobs, reduction of inequalities, conservation of natural resources and biodiversity. And the promising market for carbon credits.

  • Social, respect for quality of life, unconditional respect for human rights, diversity, defense of equity and social justice. 5 highlighted focuses: consumers, community, suppliers, workers and diversity.

  • Corporate Governance, and the principles of transparency, fairness, accountability and corporate responsibility. Contributing to the longevity of the portfolio's assets, in a healthy and reliable business environment. 4 highlighted priority themes: ASGI Management and Sustainability; Shareholders' Rights; Transparency; and Governance Structures.

  • Integrity. Information and transparency in preserving image and reputation, in addition to contributing to less volatility in the company's value in the face of uncertainties. Standards, procedures, rules and controls for risk mitigation. Integrity Program with 5 pillars: Commitment and support from senior management; Responsible instance; Profile and Risk Analysis; Rules and Instruments; and Continuous monitoring.

Click on the image below to access the PREVI Code of Best Practices ASGI


“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.”

“I am among those who think that science has great beauty”

Madame Marie Curie (1867 - 1934) Chemist & physicist. French, born Polish.

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