New year has arrived and perhaps an important development on the Brazilian environmental, social and governance (ESG) front has gone unnoticed.
In December 2022, the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) published the Recommended Practice 2030 (PR 2030) - Environmental, social and governance (ESG) - Concepts, guidelines and model of evaluation and direction for organizations. This is an unprecedented standard, the result of extensive enthusiastic work by ABNT at the International Organization for Standardization – ISO and developed by the Commission for the Special Study of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) (ABNT/CEE-256).
The purpose of PR 2030 is to assist and guide companies and organizations in incorporating ESG practices and provide guidelines, models and evaluation criteria.
PR 2030 is “inclusive”, that is, applicable to all types of organizations, including public or private companies, government entities and non-profit organizations, regardless of their size and sector of activity. The document serves only as a guide and is not mandatory, unless Brazilian laws and regulations in the future decide to incorporate it as a reference.
In a event organized by SECOVI SP and held at FIESP (São Paulo, Brazil) on December 14, 2022, the president of ABNT highlighted that "ESG aspects are increasingly being recognized by rating agencies and other stakeholders and, consequently, affecting the potential earning of investors".
The Recommended Practice is available in the ABNT Catalog at the cost of BRL 215.25 (LINK), upon registration. There is also an online course, at the approximate cost of one minimum wage (Brazil).
By clicking on the image below, you can watch the launch video* (in Portuguese) "Presentation of ABNT PR 2030 – Environmental, Social and Governance – ESG: Concepts and Guidelines for an ESG Assessment and Guidance Model for Organizations" by abntweb on YouTube.
* the presentation of the norm starts at 41:45, after the opening speeches ;-)